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How Do You Make Chicken Soup In Little Alchemy

How to Make Chicken Soup in Little Alchemy


In the magical world of Little Alchemy, you can conjure up a wide array of items, including the comforting and nutritious dish of chicken soup. With just a few simple steps, you can learn how to create this culinary delight in the game.

Step 1: Gather Your Elements

To make chicken soup in Little Alchemy, you will need two basic elements: * **Water** * **Chicken**

Step 2: Combine the Elements

Once you have both elements, follow these steps to combine them: 1. Select the "Water" element from the Elements panel. 2. Drag the "Water" element onto the "Chicken" element. 3. Release the "Water" element to create "Chicken Soup."

Step 3: Enjoy Your Soup!

Congratulations! You have now successfully made chicken soup in Little Alchemy. Enjoy the warm and comforting culinary creation that you have conjured up.
