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Com Relacao A Imunidade Natural Qual Das Afirmativas Abaixo Nao E Correta

What is Natural Immunity?

Three things you should know

1. Immunity against a disease that the body has developed through exposure to that disease.

2. Natural immunity is distinct from vaccine-induced immunity, which is developed through the introduction of a weakened or killed form of a pathogen into the body.

3. Natural immunity is generally considered to be more robust and long-lasting than vaccine-induced immunity.

Which of the following statements about natural immunity is NOT correct?

  • People who have recovered from an infection with a virus are likely to have some level of natural immunity to that virus. (Correct)
  • Natural immunity is always more effective than vaccine-induced immunity. (Incorrect)
  • Natural immunity can provide lifelong protection against a disease. (Correct)
  • Natural immunity can be weakened by certain medications or medical conditions. (Correct)
  • Natural immunity is the only way to protect against infection with a virus. (Incorrect)

What are the benefits of natural immunity?

  • Natural immunity is highly effective at preventing infection with a virus.
  • Natural immunity can provide long-lasting protection against a disease.
  • Natural immunity is less likely to cause side effects than vaccine-induced immunity.

What are the limitations of natural immunity?

  • Natural immunity is not always effective at preventing infection with a virus.
  • Natural immunity can be weakened by certain medications or medical conditions.
  • Natural immunity is not always lifelong.

How can I boost my natural immunity?

  • Get vaccinated.
  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Get regular exercise.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Manage stress.
  • Take supplements.

Com Relação À Imunidade Natural, Qual Das Afirmativas Abaixo Não É Correta?
